Sea Food History Dictionary


Sea Food History Dictionary




The sea food education project is a food education activity that reviews and rediscovers the food culture related to Japanese seafood, Japanese culture, tradition, food education, and traditional processing methods from the perspective of food education centered on food related to the sea. However, at present, in order to review the food related to the sea from the perspective of the global modern society, we have you continuously recognize a new perspective, and the food education project of the sea is with the sea such as the topic of food education related to the sea and food education news. We will disseminate the theme of human connection.



The Umi Food Education Project is a project to convey the goodness of Japanese food and Japanese food to the world through the essence of Japanese food and Japanese food, through the tradition of Japanese seafood culture, dashi culture, and vegetables.


Sea food education project category


What is the sea food education project?



The Sea Food Education Project is a food education activity where you can review and rediscover the food culture related to Japanese marine products, Japanese culture, traditions, food education, and traditional processing methods, focusing on sea food. In order to reconsider the food related to the sea from the perspective of the sea, the Sea Food Education Project has been continuously recognizing new viewpoints, and the theme of the sea and human connection, such as the topic of the whole sea food education and food education news, is transmitted. I will continue.

communication is key


making a start

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get to know each other

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understanding your rights

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determining your goals

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.